Monday, June 04, 2007

Plot Dump

Hey, I haven't written in a while and I don't have any funny stuff to share yet. But...there are comedic developments on the horizon.

Next Monday I'm co-hosting the President Jackson comedy show with Joe Dixon (check him out on MySpace). The place is located on 326 WEst 35th STreet between 1st and 2nd Avenue and you could win $20! (okay by you, I mean you a comedian--although the audience could win a bag of chips or a free book or something).

Okay, I'm just starting my first day of my new (and hopefully permanent) job an dmy direct supervisor isn't here so I have an alarmingly small task list. Plus, I feel really guilty because I had to quit a job that was hard but rewarding to do this one. I also left my temping job as well...which was awesome (mainly because my employers referred to me by name and didn't treat me like I just got off the Amistad). So, I'm just kind of in limbo, sitting at a desk and reading every single Gothamist interview (a blog that covers NYC mini-celebs) in existence. Why?--because I need to feel like even more of a loser since no one's banging down the door to interview a comic who has a day job and frequents open mics (was that too bitter?--let me turn it down a notch).

Another positive: I have been doing comedy at the Laugh Factory Studio. It's in the Laugh Factory building, but not affiliated with the Laugh Factory people. Check it out one Saturday: 303 West 42nd Street (riht off Eighth Ave. and go up to the 3rd floor--it's room 315).

Also, in the not-too-distant future, I will be hosting a show again. I can't give away details but I'll give you a hint: NA. Okay, you're not going to get it...but you will!

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