Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Read My Article, Please!

My article for the Brooklyn View just hit the stands! Check out why Brooklyn was deemed one of the top tourist destinations in the world. The site itself may not have updated yet but check it in a couple of days.


Don't forget, this Thursday is my comedy showcase at the East Village Lounge (186 East 2nd Street bet. Avenue A and B)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Blog, New Sets

Whoa, I just switched to the new Blogger and I'm totally thrown off!

Werd, so I wanted to thank everyone who came out to the East Village Lounge show and the Mo Pitkins deal-io. EVL was a little crazy, but it went really well. and the Mo Pitkins set was awesome. I'm going to start taping again (when I can buy AAA batteries) and I'll place clips up soon!

I'll be hosting the "Hey You're Cute!" show this and every Thursday...and now we will have professional flyers...and possibly a spotlight...and maybe a mic stand. We're trying to lessen the ghetto parent's basement feel and pander to the more upscale clients (think $3 PBR crowd instead of $1 PBR crowd).

East Village Lounge: 186 East 2nd Street between Avenue A and B
Day: Thursday, January 18th 2007
Run Time: 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Cost: FREE!
Drink Specials: $4 Coronas; $5 Well Drinks

The Caroline's show was rescheduled so I'll put up that info when I get around to it.

Also, I'm on myspace now. Do a people search for "Calvin S. Cato" and you'll find me as a penguin pimp. Seriously. Friend me; I'm so lonely...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

By Jove, I Think He's Got It!

You know what's weird, internet stalkers? For some reason, people keep complimenting me on my comedy. My loyal friend went to a set I did on Tuesday and she said "You've gotten much improved." And this Wednesday night I had an 11:00 PM spot at a gay bar...and honestly spots like that are usually brutal. It's already late, people want to get to hardcore drinking, and the gays are a vicious audience. But somehow, I actually made them all laugh!

Now, I wouldn't go as far as to say I am a GREAT comedian, but I can honestly say that I do a good job. I just keep wondering how it happened and to be honest I grew exponentially after I bombed. I had a streak of really bad performances and each one sent me spiraling further and further down. And then I had this show that really stunk, and I realized the problem was me. I know you're all like "Well duh, it's your fault" but I mean I was failing to be a real person on stage. I used to be so serious about my act and then I realized, hey fuck it it's a COMEDY show, I'm here to have fun. And I finally started allowing myself to do that. I finally realized that for the next 5, 10, 15 minutes, the stage is essentially mine and not the audience's or the owner's or the other comedians'.

I did not mean to get all Maury Povich final moments on you guys, but for anyone seriously considering becoming an entertainer, I would say you have to lighten up. Doing comedy is like having a conversation with someone: sometimes you're off, sometimes they're off, sometimes you really click. Just be yourself--and add punchlines!

I always equate stage performing with flying on a plane. Lorrie Moore (a really funny writer; check out her short story collections, bookworms) has the best quote about this that could apply to any budding performers: "The trick to flying safe was never to buy a discount ticket and to tell yourself you had nothing to live for anyway, so that when the plane crashed it was no big deal. Then. when it didn't crash, when you had succeeded in keeping it aloft with your own worthlessness, all you had to do was stagger off, locate your luggage, and, by the time a cab arrived, come up with a persuasive reason to go on living." Ah, priceless!

Keep it real in 2007! And please check out my Thursday show or my Friday set at Mo Pitkins (see previous blog) OR Sunday show (Botanica Bar: 47 East Houston Street bet. Mott & Mulberry Streets--starts at 8:00 PM).

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Comedy Calendar

Okay so here's all the comedy stuff going down for the next couple of weeks.

January 11, 2006 - Most Eligible Comedians Show (186 East 2nd Street bet. Ave A and B) 8:30 PM
That's right, the show's been renewed for another couple months...or more! Come see me host the most motley crew of comedians this side of the Hudson River. And the best part: the drinks are cheap and the cover is $0!!!

January 12, 2006 - Mo Pitkins (34 Avenue A off East 3rd Street) 7:00 PM
If you want comedy in fancy bite-sized proportions, look no further than Mo Pitkins. I'll be on the tail end of the No Name Show (ironically building a name for myself) dishing about winter and being articulate. No cover and drink specials!

January 30, 2006 - Caroline's on Broadway (Broadway at 50th Street) 7:00 PM
This one's a toughie. It's $5 plus a 2-drink minimum, but there will be some A-list talent in there and I really need people to come. So please do so...If you are coming definitely reserve tickets at 212.757.4100