Monday, June 16, 2008

Show Line-Up For This Week

Turn down the sun and turn up the funny. It’s my birthday on Tuesday and this is my birthday comedy week. Come out and support by laughing, because I said so in a pleasing baritone.

MONDAY, June 16, 2008 – 9:00 PM
President Jackson Show (with Joe Dixon)
326 East 35th Street
Featuring Trafton Crandall and Margie Kment. Introducing Jason (Horatio) Lewis!

TUESDAY, June 17th 2008 – 9:00 PM (BIRTHDAY!!!)
Five Spot (Hosted by Dave Lester)
Myrtle Avenue & Washington Ave (in Brooklyn, take the G Train to Clinton-Washington Avenue and then walk north on Washington Ave)

THURSDAY, June 19, 2008 – 7:30 PM
Family Hour @ Ochi’s Lounge (Hosted by Sara Benincasa)
353 West 14th St. just east of 9th Ave.
New York, NY
Cost: 1 bar/menu item

Featuring: Matt Goldich, Robin Gelfenbien, Cousin-in-Residence Kambri Crews, Joe Powers, Sheridan Botros, Leslie Goshko, Maysoon Zayid

SATURDAY, June 21, 2008
Birthday party over…somewhere…I’ll get back to ya on that one.

MONDAY, June 23, 2008 – 9:00 PM
President Jackson Show Super-Special
We’re doing a feature-length show as epic as 300. Okay maybe not that epic. Featuring Matt Daly, Blanca Dominguez, Nasry Malak, and Dave Rosner.

Hope to see y'all!

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