Oh my god, let me dust the cobwebs off this blog and update!
What have I been up to?--well I've been doing shows at the East Village Lounge and temping so....I guess same old same old. I will update properly with actual stuff (I do have developments) but I want to let you know about my comedy thang tomorrow (Thursday) at the East Village Lounge (186 East 2nd St. bet Avenue A and B). I'll be hosting in a bathrobe (why?--read the next paragraph)!
The bathrobe hosting is for...The Naked Comedy Show on Friday. As in comedy, naked. Like balls-to-the-mike-stand naked. Am I afraid?--oh hell yeah! I bought a bucket of Nair and three razors so I'm attacking the problem spots tonight! Anywho, the show is at The PIT (154 West 29th Street bet. 6th and 7th Avenue) and it does cost $10 (you don't get to see the goodies for free, people). Audience: clothing optional//comics: clothing banned. I'm baring a lot so come check it out!
Show starts at 8 PM--try to get back row seats (objects may look larger than they appear)!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
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